“Believe All Abusers” Notes

Tonight on stream, we watched the response video from Mamamax to Anthony’s (Magnetar) video where he documents testimonies from 3 women about Max during their relationships.
- MAX Says he has been “…accused of rape, pedophilia, domestic abuse, animal abuse, kidnapping” — this is loading in a way, as no one has outright accused him of rape or pedophilia -
- In Anthony’s video, one of the girls (Lucy) DID imply grooming behavior — and I would say that that is incorrect, she uses her age, the age gap, the age she was at the time they started talking to support her implication. It is not inherently grooming, though it COULD be sus if he lied about his age (which is something she has claimed)
- Overall, Max makes multiple claims, “if they were unhappy/abused/raped, why did they look happy afterwards, and/or continue to date me” — not the best argument in his favor, in fact, quite a weak argument — we know victims “act” happy or fool themselves into being happy
- Max implies that Lucy accused him of “rape” when she actually accused him of “sexual assault” — neither party has come forward with much detail or any evidence
Paulina made a few Instagram stories, talking about Max — not sure what the allegations are other than him possibly cheating on her, and maybe being emotionally neglectful. Max pushes back on this in his video. I do not feel I know enough about this situation, or that enough information has been put forward for me to have an opinion on this.
Max says that she broke up with him because she was “bored”, uses clips from phone call to support him.
Upon listening to 30 minute call, he admits to several things:
- Telling friends that she cheated him
- Telling her/others that she murdered their baby
- Telling her that he was going to kill himself
- Being “obsessed”
Max says “you didn’t tell me why we broke up, you made it about you crying all the time..”
Olivia responded with:
“I was dating a wall, I didn’t even have a boyfriend”
“We never saw each other, I was bored”
Overall, the phone call confirmed a couple of things:
- Oli was WAY too juvenile for him to be dating (LUL)
- He admitted to doing and saying multiple bad things
- He asks her “why all the accusations” and she’s very quick to shut him down saying “these are not accusations” and “what part of what I said was a lie?”
[I am not familiar with this person’s allegations]
“Sarah repeatedly raped me and physically abused me throughout our entire relationship”
“…she has leaked nudes and posted pictures of me without my knowledge or consent”
“…she accused me and my family of neglecting our dog… he died of cancer”
- They dated for 2 years
- This was the weakest testimony in Anthony’s video
- Lucy repeatedly uses her age, the age gap, her being underaged when they first started talking, as a way to imply he was “grooming” her — the age difference is not inherently grooming, though she does claim at some point that he lied about his age, and if that is true, that would be SUS.
- He stated specifically that he used the ‘Famous Birthdays’ Date for protecting his identity and he did give her his ID info later. So technically, he was not truthful about his age with Lucy. He said he was 18, but was really 20.
Max immediately discredits her character, and her initial claim that he knew her age - Lucy here is 2 months away from being 18, but claims she is 18 in the DM:
He also pokes holes in various things around the “age issue”.
Skimmed past sexual assault allegations. There weren’t any details in Anthony’s video, to be fair.
About her not reciprocating feelings — “…True you did not reciprocate them when your boyfriend was being nice to you but when he wasn’t being so nice to you, you would come to me for love and attention because that’s all I gave you” 27:28
“She led you on” 52:18 — from Max’s sister
Police Reports
“…they filed police reports which do appear to be real although I couldn’t tell you because I was never charged… I was never asked to appear in court and I was never mailed any notice I did receive one or two different phone calls…”
Max in the majority of this section attacks her character, whereas Haley in her section during Anthony’s video is putting forward evidence of his actions.
Max claims Anthony is a pedophile at the end of his video
Girl says when she was 15, Anthony (18 or 19 at the time?) was flirting with her & sexual with her, allegedly sent a photo/video to her
Max was 20 going after a 17 year old, while saying he was 18 — and he is saying that 19->15 is so sus as to call someone a paedophile? ❓❓❓
I still believe Haley's story in this, she's provided evidence of his actions, while Max's attack on Haley was about her character.
Max also heavily clipped his & Oli's call out of context. While things were not the clearest, he admits in the phone call to pretty much everything she accused him of.
Max also admits to having misled Lucy about his age. I would not call this grooming, just because of an age gap. I do not know enough about Lucy's claims to say how credible I think they are, but I also don't have enough reason to doubt her. She shouldn't have loaded it during her testimony, using ages, but it's an easy mistake to make.
I think accusing Anthony of what Max is, is very low. If I don't think Max is a groomer, I don't think Anthony necessarily is one either. Max is taking advantage of a very emotionally charged topic that he knows his audience will go after, and slandering someone in this.
Anthony's video was played straight - Girls told their story, you can choose to believe or not.
Max's response was out of order, skipping details, glossing over other allegations, rapidly cut in 'receipts', and conveniently leaving out larger context.