Explaining The Twitch Aristocracy Drama

The other night, my chat tricked me into attempting to explain the Twitch Aristocracy drama - and it quickly got out of hand. This may be my "pepe silvia" moment.
Let's break it down.
The Aristocracy

Flow of Events

AdriannahLee's Original Twitlonger: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srofrh
Adriannah's friend, talking on Reddit about what happened:
r/LivestreamFail - Comment by u/x77degrees on ”Statement from Kyle Adrianah’s friend, the person who witnessed Slick the night of the party and was also present during the writing of the twit-longer”
393 votes and 313 comments so far on Reddit

CrazySlick's original Twitlonger:

Things You Can Help With To Complete This
I need several things:
Info & clips on:
Asmongold saying he hopes CrazySlick DIES
Relevant Clips from Slicker Support Stream
Any relevant clips you think might be useful in this documennt
I am not good at determining the timeline here. If someone can breakdown the actual dates and times that things happens, I can add them to the charts & overall document.