Explaining The Twitch Aristocracy Drama

Explaining The Twitch Aristocracy Drama

The other night, my chat tricked me into attempting to explain the Twitch Aristocracy drama - and it quickly got out of hand. This may be my "pepe silvia" moment.

Let's break it down.

The Aristocracy

Flow of Events

Novaruu on Zherka's show
Novaruu explaining what happened with CrazySlick and AdriannahLee

AdriannahLee's Original Twitlonger: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srofrh

Adriannah's friend, talking on Reddit about what happened:

r/LivestreamFail - Comment by u/x77degrees on ”Statement from Kyle Adrianah’s friend, the person who witnessed Slick the night of the party and was also present during the writing of the twit-longer”
393 votes and 313 comments so far on Reddit

CrazySlick's original Twitlonger:

Full Timeline

Things You Can Help With To Complete This

I need several things:

Info & clips on:

Asmongold saying he hopes CrazySlick DIES
Relevant Clips from Slicker Support Stream
Any relevant clips you think might be useful in this documennt

I am not good at determining the timeline here. If someone can breakdown the actual dates and times that things happens, I can add them to the charts & overall document.