The Pancake Question (The PQ)
The Salvo Pancakes Drama - An outsider's rundown on the pancake question.

The Salvo Pancakes Drama
Salvo Pancakes is a commentary youtuber who quickly rose to prominence over a short period of time. He’s been associated with large names before he rose to prominence, though - he went to school with Jake and Logan Paul, and was present at Jake and Tana’s wedding. It’s rumored he even lived in the Team 10 house for a time.
Salvo started getting attention in the commentary community when he started trolling people and accusing people of ridiculous things in a very public matter. In fact, I remember him making a deepfake of Nicholas Deorio jerking off. He initially targeted me and Nicholas, but because neither of us reacted, he moved on. He reminded a lot of people of another internet personality - Redbar. The Redbar community took a liking to him and he gained an audience there, as well as an audience from the commentary community for his successful trolls. He even started drama with Keemstar, which landed him a podcast with Keem.
Throughout the months, his trolls were more and more successful. He paid MikeTheBike to make a song about another youtuber, Flamenco.
Flamenco is an autistic youtuber who used to be pretty alt-right. He’s no longer that far on the right wing spectrum.
He had just been outed for looking at some really strange porn through a hack when he was younger. He went on Kino Casino, took his whipping like a champ - but then he was accused of being in a sus steam group. He went on Kino Casino a second time to address allegations surrounding the steam group.
Flam completely decimated them. He went on the show, and did so well proving that there was no evidence of anything that the entire audience took his side.
Right after beating the allegations, MikeTheBike and Salvo released their song. And it was catchy - it was a parody of Pink Floyd. Flamenco, just beating some pretty horrendous allegations, overreacted - and that overreaction led to everyone in the commentary community clowning on him. In that song, Salvo perpetuated a fake allegation made by one of Flamenco’s adversaries, that he molested his sister.
Nicholas Deorio always disliked Flamenco, so his overreaction was the last straw for him. He had been waiting for a while for the last straw, and when Flamenco overreacted to the song, that was it for him. Nicholas made a video detailing why he dislikes Flamenco. AugieRFC, one of Nick’s friends, and a huge supporter of Flamenco, disowned him around this time.
Salvo started a rumour that Xylie had sex with another content creator outside of her marriage. She found out because her husband was listening to Salvo when he came out with the allegation. Xylie was understandably very upset by this. Salvo and his followers would also follow Xylie around to every stream she was on and would BARK at her, implying she was a dog.
Salvo and Edwin met for the first time IRL on Keemstar’s show. That is when Salvo had a threesome with Edwin and his friend Babz, cheating on his wife. Edwin had a New Year’s stream where he lies and says he had no idea that Salvo was cheating on his wife, even though he was an active participant in that happening. Edwin was questioned about whether he helped Salvo cheat, and lied about it.
Edwin had been sexting with Olivia Wang, a mamamax victim as well, which has a whole other story to it.
Salvo at some point claims that Nicholas Deorio is blackballing him, keeping him from getting on anyone’s shows, or talking to any content creators. Nick just didn’t want to be on stream with Salvo.
Salvo, on The Keemstar Show, doxxed ChrisTheNarc, and threatened to release his phone number and address as well. Salvo also doxxed Brantley’s first name in SNT.
Details Needed
- Bowblax, Edwin, and Salvo’s situation
- Any harassment I have missed