The Stardust Diaries: Keffals

I was going to cover my lived experience being a small content creator getting on the wrong side of Keffals, approximately between 10:45-11:00 PM ET on YouTube. I had just posted it to Twitter.
But got a notification that my channel received a strike for an unlisted stream from Sept. 3 2022, around 10:05 PM ET. I believe I have been mass reported.
I still went forward with reviewing this document, but on Twitch.
Full Video Coverage of This Document:
My Values, Briefly
Just to get things out of the way - I know I am going to be slandered as a Nazi sympathizer, or a Nazi, or a Fascist, or something else, because I have been slandered this way by Keffals and others before. I want to clear up with everyone what my values are and where I am coming from.
To see my background, and why I talk to nearly everyone, you can read here:
Stardust / Keffals History
Prior To The Panel
Prior to the panel, I had no idea who Keffals was, I only vaguely knew her from Twitter memes occasionally, and then later on, her falling out with Destiny. All I recall from her falling out with Destiny is:
1. She claimed he stealthed someone / basically raped someone falsely,
This was unsubstantiated and she walked it back afterwards.
2. that she had disagreements with him on his takes about trans people in sport
Destiny felt that it might be unfair to allow trans people who have gone through puberty to participate in competitive sports, Keffals disagreed, and I believe she felt his take was transphobic.
3. she claimed to have gotten Destiny deplatformed after he got banned on Twitch.
There is no evidence that this is the case, even if she claimed it.
The Panel
On May 13th, 2022, while Dylan Burns was in Ukraine, I was invited to a special edition of Hippie Dippie Roundtable. Dylan participated as a panelist, and Vaush was a special host.
The panel started off great, the topics were about toxicity in Twitch Politics.
But, while on the panel things slowly derailed. I was messaged on Discord that Keffals was watching the Hippie Dippie panel and was seething. People told me she was making comments about things I said, and was mad about the panel in general.
While watching me, she asserted that I was a Nazi sympathizer, that I was friends with Nazis and harassers.
20 minutes into the show, Keffals made a tweet claiming that last minute she found out I was on the panel, that I was friends with someone who was a Nazi and who harassed her, and said she didn’t join the panel because of that.
Keffals tweeting while I am on stream (this happens 20 minutes into the panel):
Dylan invited me on, AFTER he thought that she wasn’t coming on. She claims it was a planned ambush when it very clearly wasn’t. Neither Dylan, nor I, have any idea about Flamenco “cyberstalking” etc.
I quote tweet her, asking what she means, and all she does is respond with the following:
Throughout the panel, I asked Keffals directly to talk to me one on one, so I could explain to her why I do the things I do, and my reasoning:
She would call me a bitch while I was talking and get irrationally angry every time I spoke. I tried to approach her as honestly as possible but she rolled her eyes when she saw it on stream and was uninterested in talking to me. As a result of the eyes on the panel, the tweets, and the amount of eyes specifically on me, I felt guilty that Dylan and Danabo were being affected by my presence.
I continue to plea for her to talk to me instead of sitting and seething:
Right After Subtweet "Please Come Talk To Me" (clip)
I couldn’t tell if Dylan was having internet problems, being in Ukraine, or what else was going on. As a result, I decided to leave the panel early:
"I Am Heartbroken" (clip)
CTV tries to comfort me and tell me I shouldn’t leave, but I feel so guilty about having brought this attention to the panel and to Dylan, I can’t bear to put them through any more. This actually seems to have been a good idea, because the next day or so, she makes a veiled threat about Dylan (which I will include later in this document).
Leaving, Sad (clip)
I would remind anyone reading this that I am a small content creator in comparison to Keffals - she maintains hundreds of viewers. I am not someone who has the ability to combat this type of slander she can easily put out about me with her massive twitter and twitch following. I am pro trans rights, I am pro progressive values, and just because I talk to a wide variety of political viewpoints doesn’t mean those values still don’t exist for me or that they aren’t things that I champion when I enter debates.
I issued a tweet thread to explain to people why I left:
Also, in this tweet, I let people know, I don’t think people should HAVE to be on a panel with me:
The Honking
Previously in the commentary community, when I made several parties very angry (by accident), I along with my audience, proceeded to spam reply people who tweeted at me with honks, while changing our profile pictures to ducks and geese.
I tend to go unhinged on Twitter because I think it’s funny, and honking was the new evolution of my unhinged posting.
The same night of the panel, after I voluntarily left in tears, I switched over to stream on YouTube. And liike we did weeks prior with the commentary community, we changed our profile pictures to ducks and started honking in response to Keffals tweets.
Keffals that same night was confused, thought it was in reference to an alt-right meme - there is an alt-right meme that did relate to honking and clowns, but what my community and I do is related to ducks and geese, not an alt-right meme. I thought it was hilarious that she thought I was doing a “Nazi meme”.
The next day she very disingenuously spliced together Richard Spencer explaining to me that it could be interpreted that way because there is a meme like that, and tried to use that as evidence that I was doing a Nazi meme at her on purpose.
If you had continued the clip a few seconds longer, the explanation that what I was doing was not related to that would have been evident.
So not only was I made to feel guilty for merely existing on a panel, I was very dishonestly portrayed as a neo-Nazi.
The Timeline of Invites
Danabo, the booking manager for Dylan, released a series of tweets after, detailing the timeline of Hippy Dippy Booking, in which it is revealed that Keffals did not reply to him until 11 minutes before the show, and he had already marked her down as not attending because she never responded.
Hippy Dippy Timeline by Danabo, May 14th, 2022:
In her reply, she asked Danabo who was on, he told her, and she responded 5 minutes after the show had started: “people who have engaged in harassment against me or friends of theirs are on the panel”. Danabo apologized to her, said he understood, and asked who it was.
Keffals said on her stream that night, during the panel, “I was invited to get dogpiled, Stardust and Sondsol are terrible people, etc…” Claims Flamenco has stalked her, made tons of videos on her. (It was 2 videos over two months, and there is no evidence of Flamenco doxxing Keffals)
After The Panel
Dylan Burns’s video replying to Keffals accusations: (full video)
Dylan mentions that it is ridiculous to expect someone booking a show to not only look into the people they are booking, and their history, but to look into who each guest is friends with or has talked to, as well as how those friends have interacted with others.
In addition, he mentions as well, that Keffals only responded 11 minutes before the show, and as a result, they had already booked a replacement a long time before she responded. So when she messaged them, 11 minutes before, saying she didn’t like two of the people who were on, and claimed that it was a set up, he didn’t care. He had already booked others and was not expecting her to show up.
He in addition, talks about how he has been open to talking to her, but she was not responsive. He presents evidence that Keffals doesn’t care that he doesn’t know her and Flam’s history, and that she doesn’t care about building bridges regardless.
Keffals also called Chudlogic a pedophile on the night of the panel while she was hate watching:
Chud’s video on the situation, Interview with Stardust - May 14th, 2022: (full video)
In this video, Chudlogic and I talk partway through about Keffals and my history.
The Sanctions
May 18th, 2022 - I did a stream where I partly watched what Keffals was up to, as a weird sort of reverse Uno card on her since she spent that panel (May 13th) hate watching us. During this stream, she describes why she was upset by the panel, STILL wrong:
Keffals Describing Why She Didn't Enter Panel (clip)
She also makes what seems to be a veiled threat to Dylan about his future political career:
“One Day Dylan Is Going To Run For Office” (clip)
In the stream, she also is aware that I am watching, and jokes about DMCA striking me. Also during this stream, she got so upset with me that she enacted a mass ban through bots - what she called a “sanction”.
The "Sanction" (clip)
Other Twitch Pol people get added to the “Sanction” including Dylan Burns, Zonia, Gappy, Sondsol, and more.
Keffals proceeds to turn unbans from the event into a spectacle, making it an event on stream:
Other Attacks on Members of My Community
Keffals calls one of my head mods, Bossett, a nazi, for something he tweeted:
Keffals calling Bossett a Nazi (clip)
Bossett is probably one of the furthest left people on my team, and has directly taken actions IRL that would impress anyone, and would be considered anti-fascist actions. He's met with the prime minister of his country to prevent actual Nazis entering it.
She has also called my community Nazis, which is also a lie and disrespectful towards my community. My community is filled with people from a variety of different backgrounds and political leanings, and a lot of them are POC and left-leaning.
The Quartering Arc
From what I can tell, because there are a lot of deleted tweets, apparently this drama started because Quartering was deadnaming and misgendering Keffals, as well as calling her a groomer. Keffals wanted to talk to Quartering, but he was uninterested in talking with her.
Keffals started saying everyday that The Quartering was going to come on her show and debate her. She also started tweeting at The Quartering, asking when he was going to come on - it got to the point where she was editing DMs to make it look like he agreed. She claimed that was a “joke”, I only tuned it for the 5 minutes around it, and clipped it. I tweeted out the clip of her editing the DMs, and Quartering retweeted me.
The Conversation Meltdown with Keffals
The Quartering retweeting my clip made Keffals irritated, so she tweeted at me, wanting to talk. I agreed. A few days went by, and we talked. During my conversation with Keffals, we clarified some things - one of those being that the “honking” meme I did was not a neo-Nazi whistle, and that I am not a fascist or a neo-Nazi. I explained to her that my community has been honking for months. She acknowledged that, and then we moved on. I thought we started this conversation really well - and I tried my best to continue to maintain a friendly conversation.
She told me that she was mad at me for being friends with Flamenco, when he posts on her forum on KF regularly. She accused him of stalking her, obsessively making videos, and encouraging doxxing.
I said several times, that I cannot answer for Flamenco, and that if she has issues with him, she should talk to him. Despite this, she insisted on talking about him.
While I do not approve of doxxing, and I know that a lot of doxxing happens on KF, I do not think that Flamenco has doxxed or encouraged doxxing on that forum. In fact, I looked through his post history, and found no history of such. I even told Keffals if she had evidence of him posting dox, or encouraging it, that I would kick him out.
Keffals said he did not dox her, but he encouraged doxxing. I have yet to see evidence of it. She was angry that he was posting there at all. Keep in mind, that her accusation of him “obsessively” making videos about her has been about 2-3 videos over the past few months. This led to a conversation that quickly devolved into an argument that quickly devolved into her yelling at me, telling me to shut up, calling me a cunt, and hanging up on me.
She was uninterested in the fact that she had already slandered me to thousands of people, who would never get a chance to know differently - in her mind, she was justified being upset at being slandered as a groomer by The Quartering, but somehow I was not justified in being concerned about being slandered as a white nationalist by her.
Here is the conversation I had with Keffals: Keffals Conversation derails after EXPLOSIVE OUTBURST - Any Hope of Productive Conversation DEAD (full video)
Keffals & AugieRFC
AugieRFC and Keffals had a conversation a bit before I had my conversation with Keffals:
Reaching Peace with AugieRFC (ft. Vaush) (full video)
Despite being at odds with Keffals for far more, the conversation that Keffals and Augie RFC had was much more civil than the one Keffals and I had. AugieRFC apparently implied that Keffals was doing suspicious stuff with minors on Discord. Augie also at the time was someone who heavily featured Flamenco on his shows. Augie had a much larger audience than me, was probably closer to Flamenco than I was, and was probably more responsible for Flamenco having a large audience than I ever would be. In fact, Flamenco was a far larger streamer than I ever was.
Regardless of this, AugieRFC was afforded a level of charitability and politeness that I never was. Despite having legitimate concerns about the way she has slandered me, she gave Augie, someone who said she should end up homeless in the streets, was treated much nicer than I ever was.
What are the differences between me and Augie?
I do NOT like doing identity politics. I am only including this because Keffals does idpol a lot, and I want to demonstrate what I could say if I did idpol seriously.
Augie is a white male, conservative in political leaning, and holds 1.5k viewers when he goes live on YouTube. He has implied Keffals was doing sus stuff with minors on Discord, deserved to end up homeless in the streets, and more. He also had a channel on Cozy, and has been friendly with way more right wingers than I have.
I am a female of Indian origin, left leaning in politics, and at that time, held between 150 - 200 people in live viewership on Twitch. I have NOT said that Keffals has done anything with minors on Discord, I defended her in multiple scenarios where people have accused her of being sus with minors, and for the most part have only criticized her for her actions. I have ALSO been hate raided, slandered, harassed, given death threats by far right people, and been harassed, slandered, and given death threats by far left people.
Keffals has been friendly with Augie on multiple occasions, and jumped into his stream chat to joke with chatters, despite how friendly he used to be with Flamenco, which was far more than I ever was.
Conversation with Quartering
I was able to leverage The Quartering retweeting me to get a conversation with him, and in that conversation we discussed representation in the media, since I knew we had opposing positions on the subject. The conversation actually ended up being pretty nice and productive, and he was a pleasant guy.
While I had that conversation with him, I didn’t like him calling Keffals a groomer, myself. So despite the way Keffals treated me on stream, I took the opportunity to tell him that labeling Keffals as a groomer was wrong, and that the Catboy Ranch stuff was unsubstantiated.
During this conversation, The Quartering privated the video in which he was alleging Catboy Ranch allegations towards here because I talked to him.
Keffals ended up watching the conversation, but was so mad with me she turned it off.
UP YOURS, WOKE MORALISTS! - Talking with The Quartering about Woke Culture & The Keffals Drama (full video)
The Lotus Eaters
The Lotus Eaters podcast covered my conversation with Keffals, and Keffals decided to react to it. In it, when they mention me getting slandered, Keffals says “I literally don’t care,” and justifies her slandering me and not caring because apparently I “do not view her as human”, which is entirely untrue.
If I didn’t view her as human, would I have gone out of my way to dispel the myths around Catboy Ranch with The Quartering? Would I have been as outspoken against people doxxing her and swatting her as I have been?
The only person who is guilty here is Keffals - and she does not view me as a human.
My full reaction in video to the Lotus Eaters podcast: "SHE DOESN'T VIEW ME AS A HUMAN!" - Keffals misconstrues Stardust ONCE AGAIN, Stardust Reacts (full video)
Keffals / KiwiFarms
Keffals accused Destiny of coordinating Kiwifarmers to harass her, which he didn’t. Like Flamenco, Destiny has a Kiwifarms thread of his own. He has been doxxed, and his family and son have been threatened.
At some point after that, Keffals launches a campaign to bring down Kiwifarms, while trying to blame Destiny for KF having her information. While I don’t think she deserves to get doxxed or get harassed from KF users, I personally think getting a website taken down for things posted that are not illegal sets a bad precedent for other web providers, and I think U.S. privacy protection is abysmal which is the root of the problem. Time would be much better spent trying to reform how our information is handled and building laws around that.
Regardless, I do not want to get in anyone’s way during this, and I just observe from the sidelines as things get worse and worse and more and more out of control. At one point, Keffals raises money through a GoFundMe for 100k, a life changing amount of money, speaking out against doxxing, while one of her mods has facedox of a Twitch streamer on their Twitter profile and is falsely accusing him of being a pedophile.
I generally don’t have a lot to say about this section except that it got more and more out of hand and there were times when I questioned some of Keffals’s actions - knowing that you are at war with KF, why would you post any pictures that would let people know where you are? But she continues to do that, and even picked up IRL streaming. I know that others will probably write about this later on, so I will let the historians in this area do their work.
My summary of the Keffals/Kiwifarms drama:
My Friendship with Flamenco
When Flamenco and I first met, we actually hated each other - we were like two feral cats fighting over territory. Every interaction we had in the beginning led to yelling fights, me calling Flamenco a “dumb piece of shit”, him calling me a “fucking bitch”. We had opposite political views, but most of our vitriol was due to a misunderstanding we had early on. We had mutual friends in the creator sphere - Nicholas Deorio, Augie, Edwin, and Bowblax. It was actually through these friends that Flamenco and I interacted more, and ended up resolving our misunderstanding. Ironic since they have since fallen out with him.
After that, despite having complete opposite views of me, and despite having an entire audience that hates my guts, Flamenco, ended up being a really solid friend.
I know Flamenco has done plenty of crazy things in the past, and if that had been my introduction to him, I don’t know if I would have given him a chance. I can’t speak on his political beliefs from years ago, but the Flamenco I know today is something like a paleo-conservative,
He knows I don’t approve of things like doxxing and harassment, and I continue to tell him when I find something he’s done is distasteful, unhinged, or cringe. I believe he is human, deeply flawed, but capable of getting things together more. I don’t feel good about ostracizing someone who genuinely cares for his friends.
Are there things that Flamenco could do in the future that would make me reconsider my association or friendship to him? Yes. But I have to reach that point myself with him, I can’t reach that point through other people. I need hard evidence in front of me and personal experience.
And just because I am friends with Flamenco doesn’t mean I am divulging my deepest secrets to him, or whispering every rumor I hear to him - in fact, we mostly interact when both of us are streaming. We don’t really have much to say to each other outside of that. I respect everyone I work with, so I am not going around and talking about people to other content creators.
Other Relevant Videos
05/13/22 - Keffals Hate-Watches the Dylan Burns Panel I’m on:Panel CRUMBLES As Panelists QUIT! Drama DESTROYS Friendly Panel (Dylan WONT Be on With Stardust?)
Chudlogic covers Dylan Burns going over the logic of Keffals’ argument:
Timeline of Clips
Right After Subtweet "Please Come Talk To Me"
After Dylan’s Panel:
“One Day Dylan Is Going To Run For Office”
Keffals Describing Why She Didn't Enter Panel
I watch Keffals while she is streaming, as a meme, since she hate watched us on Dylan’s panel. She jokes about DMCA striking me. Then, she responds with this:
Other Twitch Pol people get added to the “Sanction” including Dylan Burns, Zonia, Gappy, Sondsol, and more.
Keffals calling Bossett a Nazi
Friends ask me: